5th Annual Striper Tournament
November 9th-11th, 2007
Striper Tournament Entry Form
The Stone Harbor Volunteer Fire Company will be holding its 5th
Annual Striper Tournament. The entry fee is $100, which includes a
t-shirt and awards dinner that is being held on November 11, 2007 at
the American Legion Hall.

A prize of $1000 will be awarded for 1st place
$500 will be awarded for 2nd place
$250 will be awarded for 3rd place

The tournament starts on November 9th and runs until November
11th, 2007 with boundaries of Hereford Inlet to Townsend Inlet (Bay
to Ocean to 3 miles). All fish must be weighed in at Smugglers Cove
in Stone Harbor. Entry forms can be obtained at Borough Hall or
here online. Please have all applications in by November 1, 2007.

The Borough has changed the beach access ordinance and will allow
vehicles south of 122nd Street starting on the day after Labor Day.
**Applications are still being accepted. Download an application and
submit it in person or via mail. If you have any questions
contact us.
Competing with a friend in a different town, close by or from a
bordering state? Keep up with their latest catches on the
Fishing Tournament Bulletin Board
Take a Look at our Previous Overall Winners
2005 Winner
Tom Derose

17 lbs 12 oz
36 1/2 Inch Striper

Caught on 11/13/2005
2004 Winner
J. Craig Otton

24 lb 3oz
41 Inch Striper
2003 Winner
Steve Ormrod

20 lb 14 3/4 oz
40 Inch Striper
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**This page was last updated on September 10, 2007 @ 11:51 AM**
This page was designed solely for the use of Stone Harbor Volunteer Fire Company No. 1. Any persons
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CONTACT the Webmaster. Copyright SHFD 07/05

Stone Harbor Volunteer Fire
Company No. 1
         Protecting the Shore Since 1912